Reformation Church of Elizabeth is involved with several ministries by way of financial support, prayer support, or brotherly fellowship. In some cases, our members serve in these extended ministries.

Christian Home Educators of Colorado
Pastor Kevin Swanson served as Executive Director of this organization from 1999 to 2010. God has used this ministry to reach out to 10,000s of families over the years who are seeking to understand what a God-centered education looks like. Kevin Swanson’s book, Upgrade, provides a biblically-based philosophy of a Christian education in both method and content.

Clothing Giveaway (Biannual)
Reformation hosts a community-wide clothing giveaway in the spring and fall. We welcome clothing donations from the Elizabeth and surrounding areas during the time leading up to the giveaway date, which is posted here seasonally. Families from the local area are welcome to come and receive free clothes on that date!

The church has sponsored this radio program for the last four years. Hosted by Pastor Kevin Swanson, this daily radio show addresses relevant issues of the day from a biblical perspective, and from the perspective of a father raising five children for the kingdom of God.

Mid-East Reformed Fellowship
This outstanding ministry broadcasts a gospel message to the Muslim world of North Africa and the Middle East. They are active in training Christian leaders throughout that area of the world.

Slavic Reformation Society
In 1999, missionary Blake Purcell established the first Reformed Seminary in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since then he has trained at least 20 pastors for the ministry of the Word in a nation that has had very little semblance of Christian thought and life. Bringing a biblical worldview into every area of life will surely transform the nation of Russia in all of its institutions in the years to come.